ZEN Piring Makan Marble Series – diameter 22 cm
ZEN Marble Series is a modern tableware to revive your kitchen. Designed to leave your guests admiring, these eye-catching plates will be your favorite piece in your kitchen. Buy now and feel the true cooking sensation like a professional chef.
Spesifikasi Produk :
1pcs Piring Makan Marble Series
diameter x tinggi (cm) = 22 x 2.8
berat (gr) = 501
Note :
Jadwal Pengiriman (Senin – Jum’at) Hari kerja, (Sabtu, Minggu, Tanggal Merah) Libur
Invoice yang masuk lewat dari jam 12.00 WIB akan diproses pada hari berikutnya.
*ZEN Best Friend For Your Meals
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